Here's what makes me tick
In late winter light on Mt. Tabor
Playing Reader Rabbit on an Apple IIc in 1996.
My animating passion is for exploration and to discover new connections and patterns in the world around us. After studying Music History at Reed College, I started working in Portland, Oregon area non-profits, completing successful terms in administrative and operations roles at an organization dedicated to youth and family services, then performing arts.
In March 2020, I was an essential part of pivoting the Portland Baroque Orchestra to an all-digital season, procuring equipment, doing preproduction work, and contributing directly as a recording assistant and video editor. In autumn 2021, I left PBO to pursue more challenging and stimulating work.
In the first half of 2022, I completed the Epicodus Full-Stack bootcamp (C#/.Net/React track). After a successful internship with itOS, I was hired to join their small development team prototyping a product for the IT services sector. In the summer of 2023, that project was shut down and I am currently looking for new opportunities.
© 2024 Matthew Eilar
This site was made with Next.js, Tailwind CSS and hosted on Vercel
Matthew Eilar